Jonnel Mendoza


Data Analyst

Technical Skills

Excel, Tableau, Power BI, SQL, Python, Artificial Intelligence, Data Visualisation, Data Storytelling

Soft Skills

Effective Communication, Collaboration and Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Creativity, Strong attention to detail, Self-motivated and proactive, Adaptability, Interpersonal Skills and Continuous Learning

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Current Project

Tableau - UK Street Crime 2024 | Analysis - FINAL

Tools Used for this Project
Python and Tableau

Etsy Shop | Full Year Calendar Heatmap - Sales & Forecast Summary

To analyze and visualize sales performance of an Etsy shop over the course of a year, providing insights into sales trends, monthly performance, and geographical distribution of orders.


  • Daily Sales Heatmap: Create a full-year calendar heatmap to visualize daily sales data, highlighting patterns and anomalies in sales activity.
  • Monthly Sales Analysis: Compare actual monthly sales figures against estimates to assess forecasting accuracy and identify trends.
  • Geospatial Analysis: Map order locations to understand regional sales distribution and identify potential market opportunities.
  • This project aims to offer a comprehensive overview of sales performance and help in making data-driven decisions for optimizing sales strategies and improving forecasting accuracy.

    Tools Used for this Project

    Cardiac Triage Questionnaire App (app)

    Purpose and Objectives
    The Cardiac Triage Questionnaire app is designed to streamline the patient intake process by assessing and recording the severity of cardiac symptoms upon arrival or registration. Using a simple Python-based interface, this tool provides a quick and efficient way to prioritize patient care based on their triage scores.

    The primary purpose of the app is to facilitate effective and timely triage decisions in a healthcare setting. By evaluating patient responses to a series of pre-defined questions, the app calculates a total score that indicates the urgency of the patient's condition.

    Scoring and Action

  • Total Score Greater Than 4: The app triggers a triage call to ensure immediate attention for potentially severe conditions.
  • Total Score Less Than 4: Patients with lower scores are directed to proceed with standard booking procedures, allowing healthcare providers to manage their workload effectively.
  • The app can be seamlessly embedded into an HTML website or integrated into existing applications, providing a user-friendly interface for healthcare professionals and enhancing patient management efficiency.

    Key Points:

  • Efficiency: Quickly assesses and records patient conditions to aid in prioritizing care.
  • Integration: Can be embedded into websites or other applications for easy access and use.
  • Scoring System: Provides actionable outcomes based on a calculated score, facilitating prompt and appropriate care responses.
  • Tools Used for this Project
    Python and Streamlit

    Latest Project

    Insights into Healthcare Costs | Identifying Key Drivers (Data Analysis)

    See Full Overview

    Purpose and Objectives
    To understand the factors that influence medical insurance costs and to develop predictive model for estimating healthcare expenses. My analysis will be focused on both the descriptive and diagnostic aspect, leveraging individual data to build models that can forecast or estimate future healthcare expenditures, rather than solely describing past trends or prescribing actions.


  • Loading and preprocessing the data
  • Conducting Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  • Visualizations
  • Performing correlation analysis
  • Summarizing the findings
  • Deriving actionable insights to guide insurance companies and public health initiatives
  • Tools Used for this Project
    Python, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib and PowerPoint

    Tableau - UK Police Force | Street Crime Dashboard | January - April 2024: Monitoring Trends and Hotspots (Dashboard)

    See Full Overview


  • 330 UK Boroughs/Councils
  • 42 Territorial Police Force (excluding the Manchester Police - due to a change in IT systems)
  • Purpose and Objectives
    Monitoring trends and identifying hotspots in street crime in the UK

    Questions it should answer: What are the trends in street crime over the specified period? Where are the hotspots of street crime located?

    Decisions it should inform: Deployment of police resources, adjustment of crime prevention strategies, and allocation of investigative efforts.

    Tools Used for this Project
    Tableau, Excel, Power BI, and Python

    Power BI - UK Street Crimes | KPI Cards | January - May 2024

    Tableau - Metropolitan Police | Street Crime Data | January - April 2024

    Power BI - Metropolitan Police | Stop & Search | January - April 2024

    See Full Overview

    Power BI - Metropolitan Police | Street Crime | January - April 2024

    See Full Overview

    Just IT Assignments

    Power BI - Practical Task - Caffeine Form

    Power BI - Executive Summary Dashboard (Dark)

    Power BI - Executive Summary Dashboard (Light)

    Power BI - Sales Report Dashboard

    Power BI - Dashboard Exercise

    Tableau - The Wealth of Nations

    See Full Overview

    Tableau - Changes in the British Industry

    Tableau - Superstore Profit Dashboard


    Tableau - Resume

    Tableau - Report Turnaround Times - Imaging Department (finding breach)

    Tableau - Patient Satisfaction Survey Results - Imaging Department

    Tableau - Mandatory Training Compliance Dashboard

    See Full Analysis

    See my GitHub Repository

    Page template forked from evanca